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Atlantic Mariculture is North America’s leading supplier of certified organic dulse, and other sea vegetables.
Our Office
P.O. Box 924
Grand Manan, New Brunswick, Canada, E5G 4M1
How to order:
Here is a list of our products and shipping sizes available. For prices, please contact us at or leave us a message in the form above.
we are a wholesale company only and as such, are unable to handle direct sales to individuals. If you would like to see our products on your local retailer’s shelves, simply give them our contact information and we would be happy to set them up with a distributor in their area.
Product List:
Packaged Organic Dulse Leaf (Palmaria Palmata)
Packed in 40 gram resealable bags
12 bags per case, 6 cases per strap, 18 straps per pallet (108 cases)
Pallet Size 4’L x 4.5’W x 5.5’H
Organic Dulse, Milled
Flakes - 40lbs per plastic lined woven poly bag
Granules - 50lbs per plastic lined woven poly bag
Powder - 50lbs per plastic lined woven poly bag
Fine Powder - 50lbs per plastic lined woven poly bag
Organic Atlantic Nori (Porphyra Umbilicalis)
Whole Leaf - Bulk 100lbs per plastic-lined carton
Flakes - 40lbs per plastic lined woven poly bag
Powder - 50lbs per plastic lined woven poly bag
Organic Sea Lettuce (Ulva Lactuca)
Whole Leaf - Bulk 100lbs per plastic-lined carton
Flakes - 30lbs per plastic lined woven poly bag
Powder - 50lbs per plastic lined woven poly bag
Organic Alaria (Alaria Esculenta)
Flakes - 40lbs per plastic lined poly woven bag
Powder - 50lbs per plastic lined poly woven bag
*Bulk Flakes, Granules, Powder or Fine Powder - 20 sacks per pallet
Pallet size 4’L x 4’W x 4’H
* All bulk products are also available in large tote bags. Please contact us for sizes.
For a list of the nutritional content of our products, click here.